I have been dreading this day since we decided to move.
I knew telling Kim my boss/friend we were moving was going to be emotional.
I just didn't realize how emotional.
I wanted to give her plenty of advance notice so she didn't feel rushed into
finding a new nanny or daycare for the girls.
But I knew telling her was going to suck.
The entire afternoon I felt like I was going to throw up,
and I just kept hugging the girls, crying and telling them how much I love them.
When I told Kim the news, I started crying.
I felt terrible. I still do.
We talked and she was completely understanding and supportive,
which actually made me feel even worse.
How I could I leave this family who I love and they love me?
Kim started crying a little, and I couldn't even look at her because I knew I would lose my shit.
I left feeling like I had punched her in the stomach.
I cried the whole way home.
Telling her the news was one million times harder than telling my own family.
Then last night I got online and read the most sincere blog post she wrote.
The tears instantly starting flowing, much like they are doing right now as I type this.
She talked about how much they would miss me, and how she cried after I left,
and how much the girls love me, and every other nice thing you can think of.
Kim and the girls have no idea how much I am truly going to miss them.
I had no idea when I took this job I would actually end up creating
a friendship that would last a lifetime.
The thought of not seeing the girls every week day kills me.
They are my little rays of sunshine.
The way the hug me and give me kisses warms my black heart!
These girls give me hope every day that I will one day be a mom.
And then there is Kim.
There are not enough words to describe how thankful I am to have her in my life.
She really has shown me what true friendship is.
She has been there for me in so many ways, and I will never be able to
give back to her all she has given to me.
I know we will still talk crap of celebrities and idiot bloggers.
We will still send billions of emails a day.
But not getting to sit down with her over our morning cup of Starbucks
and just talk will be one thing I miss the most.
Seriously, I could go on and on about her,
but then you would want to be her friend,
and I don't want to share!
In the time left I do have with them
I intend on taking full advantage of every day.
The girls are probably going to hate me for all the hugs and kisses,
but too bad, I've got to get them all in while I can.
Thank you for your friendship, support, love, kindness, generosity, and shit talking abilities!
You will be so missed my dear friend, but never forgotten.
And I promise to fly out here so our babies can have play dates,
where Lily can teach them the disco roll and how to climb anything in their sight
and Sophia can show teach them sign language and how to rock their babies.
I love you all so much.
Your family will forever have a huge place in my life and heart.