
Saturday, January 1, 2011


This year I'm not making resolutions, I'm making changes. Lots and lots of changes. The changes that will occur in 2011 are:

Creating a relationship with God - spending time in the word, finding a home church, and really putting my trust in God. 

Cooking - I hate to cook. If dishes would clean themselves, I would cook every night. But they don't. I am ashamed of how much T and I eat out. So this year, we are saving the money and the weight gain and I am forcing myself to start cooking.

Exercising - Growing up I was really active, always playing sports. I can't believe I have allowed myself to get to the state I'm in. It's time to get active again. 

Taking care of myself - I need to start doing something for me, even just once a month. Nothing huge, a pedicure will work just fine. 

S*^@, $uc&, @#%$ - I have the mouth of a sailor, and it needs to stop. This is the year I will decrease the number of F-bombs I drop. 

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