
Saturday, August 22, 2009

That's Right, I'm Selfish

Have you ever kept something a secret so nobody else you know could use it? Or is that just me? It could be something as simple as a design idea, a great deal, a name. There are all sorts of things. For example, a friend of mine and I were discussing baby names one night. There is a name I just love for a little girl. But before I could get it out she said the name she loves. What do you know, it is a variation of the same name! Another good friend of mine and her friend were discussing baby names also. When my friend mentioned "her name" the other party said that was a great name. Several months later the friends-friend was prego and was talking about using the name!! Maybe it is silly to some people, but not to me!

I recently found a baby bedding set i L.O.V.E., and I hate baby bedding sets. I always swore I would just piece together what I needed. However, after seeing this, I somehow justified the ridiculous amount of money that it costs and purchasing pieces of bedding that are not even necessary. Now keep in mind I am not pregnant, and several of my friends will probably be announcing their pregnancies far before mine. For that reason, I am being selfish and not sharing this bedding. Not that my taste is simply amazing, but it is a fairly popular design motif right now. And I simply do not want anyone else having it!! I want it to be mine, all mine. I already have the whole room planned around it. It is that perfect. So, does that make me selfish? Please tell me I am not the only person who does this!

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