Then we exchanged presents! Travis got me exactly what I wanted...a new camera! I got a pink Sony Powershot! I love it! Now I can take lots of photos of us and our adventures to post on my blog! He also got me some stocking stuffers and an electric blanket. He definetly knows me! As for poor Travis, I am very weird about Christmas gifts. I firmly believe in buying things people need as opposed to what people want. There are so many people in the world who need things, I would much rather help them. I digress, so I bought Travis the things he needed, underware and socks! Poor guy. I also got him two new shirts, and a dart board he has been eyeing for a while.
Not only does Travis have it rough because of my "give what they need" policy, but three days after Christmas is his birthday! And he is a huge stickler that you cannot combine the two. So while I was at Target tonight I scored the best deal of the year. He has been eyeing the Riedel stemless glassware for quite some time. Well, today was my lucky day, and they were on clearance! I snatched those puppies up super fast! I thought about buying a second set, but I thought 8 would be enough! I have a rather extensive glassware collection we will be adding these too.
Overall, Christmas was awesome! I was hoping for one other small present (it goes on my left hand)...but I know one day it will come. However, nothing can replace spending the day with Travis and having such a great time with him. Travis, I love you so much. You made Christmas perfect...just like you are.
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