If I am being honest,
as thrilled as I am to be back home in California,
it has been rough.
And I mean R O U G H.
I still haven't been able to find a job.
It's killing us financially.
And it's killing me emotionally.
This time has made me look and question every career
decision I have ever made.
I've questioned why on earth I spent over $40k on a college degree.
I have cried, and cried, and when I thought I couldn't cry any more,
sure enough there were more tears.
I have yelled, screamed and uttered every 4 letter word there is.
I have sent out at least 90 - 100 resumes.
Nothing makes you feel worthless like nobody wanting to hire you.
This is certainly a season of growth for me.
I don't seem to be handling this season well.
I'm ready for it to be over.
Obviously I need to get over whatever feelings I have that I'm
too qualified or too good for some jobs.
I don't know anything that is as humbling as this experience.
I have three interviews tomorrow.
I'm praying an pleading with God that at least one of these offers me a position.
Please pray for me or send some positive thoughts my way.
I would greatly appreciate it.
Good luck with your interviews!!!