
Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Thank you for the sweet comments and encouragement! It's nice to know there are a few people still reading. I wanted to get my protocol written down so if need be, I can refer to it again at some point. I also think it's fascinating to see how different everyone's protocol is.

04/12 - 04/27 Birth Control
04/12 - 04/27  Baby Asprin
04/24 - 05-11  Lupron
04/24 - 05/11 Dexamethasone
05/05 - 05/10  Follistim
05/05 -  05/11 Lovenox
05/05 - 05/11 Folic Acid
05/07 - 05/10 Menopur
05/08 Intralipid Infusion

As of right now, I'm feeling pretty good. Lupron has brought on lots of hot flashes, which are always fun. You could also say I am slightly emotional these days.I was not prepared for the extreme exhaustion I would be feeling. I cannot get enough sleep at night, and I could go for at least 2 naps a day. I'm ready to have some energy back.

Tomorrow I go in for a baseline ultrasound and blood work. Hoping everything is normal and we are ready to go.


  1. Hi Jenn, I'm a total creepy stalker from North Carolina that found you thru Kim's blog. I have twin girls that I was incredibly blessed with thru ivf so I've been totally pulling for you and Travis since back in in the day. It's so creepy how you feel like you get to know people. I seriously had a layover in San Diego that was like 4 or 5 hours a few months ago and I straight up considered contacting Kim. Lol. Anyway...I haven't read past this post so I need to go see what happened with this cycle :) Good Luck!!


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